Lierin Ernala
58 kg
Lierin lived a rather pleasant upper-middle class life for 21 years. Her mother and father were well-meaning patriots and ran The Achahtai Report, which is a political paper that predominantly relays information between Iechi, Queen Amora and the civilians. Some would say that it the paper is heavily slanted solely towards Amora and her militaristic advantage, trivialising any issue that she doesn’t see fit to handle.
Lierin and her brother were well-educated to learn their trade. She would take mage’s classes at Iechi, and her family always tried to do right by their children. To take them fishing or hunting, to watch the jousting and theatre, to go into the city and learn to appreciate all that was good in Achahtai.
When Lierin was 21, she was fighting in Achahtai’s war against the Ichtab and her parents were overlooking the distribution quarters for The City of Kaegan. One way to easily terrorize the people in a time of war is to cut off their communications with their leaders, leaving them without orders and feeling abandoned and hopeless.
With this in mind, the Ichtab sent powerful destruction mages to burn the distribution quarters to the ground with Lierin’s parents inside. News of this came home and lit a fire inside of Lierin. Enraged, she butchered the Ichtabian soldiers with a new-found blood-lust.
When the war was over, her brother assumed ownership of the company, while she decided to take up full-time tuition at Iechi with her inheritance, having already been noted and bestowed with a medal for her efforts in the war.
She decided to never lose sight of what she was training and fighting for. The country that her parents loved and had raised her to appreciate. She would defend it from any who would try and destroy its people and its way of life so that no-one else needs to lose their family to their leering enemies from abroad.
Lierin trained with such passion and become such a powerful mage that she was asked to begin tutoring the students of Iechi in witchcraft, an honour that she gladly accepted, still taking trips to the city and the surrounding forests to remind her of just how beautiful Achahtai really is.