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The majority of dormitories are relatively small, but at least grant the students some alone time, though they have bunk-beds for when positions are beginning to be filled, or people decide that they want to share.

Every dormitory will at least have a bunk bed, a dresser, a window, a bathroom, a table with two chairs, a book shelf and a weapons and armour rack. Customize your dorm how you will, but break nothing.


Some dorms for those who pay handsomely, or are held in high esteem by the school are indeed larger, and better equipped and furbished.

Members of staff each have their own private quarters which are substantially larger than most student dorms, making room for plenty of cabinets filled with documents, documents and more documents, a king sized desk for working through all of those documents, student profiles and lesson plans on, and king-sized beds for resting after you have been worked very, very hard for your country's good.

The Communal / Recreational Areas

We have several communal areas in Iechi which you can visit at any time:


There are three massive refectories dotted around Iechi, meaning that most everyone can probably eat at the same time. The kitchens are always stocked with ingredients to suit the dietary needs of most every race, so that the vampires needn't fret about looking for blood when they could be doing something useful.

If you require nourishment that the refectory cannot provide, then request it to a refectory staff member and something will be arranged as soon as possible. This may drive up your debt to Iechi if it's anything particularly obscure, of course.

The Flat-Front

This is a favourite for enjoying sunny days, or when you need somewhere to spar. The Flat-Front is colossal ring of flat grassland that encircles the school. It's a large enough space for everyone to crowd at once and still have plenty of space to be highly mobile or even led down, spreading yourself out like a star.

Following the ring of grass land around the school towards its middle, there are some sparely populated monuments like benches, maypoles and sturdy, life-sized wooden horses for the children.

At the very back, you will find a running stream of clean drinking water that flows all through Achahtai's forestland. Just to be safe, it is purified by a mage just before the sunrise of every day. There are plenty of buckets beside it, so take all that you need for beverages, washing or anything else. Please put the buckets back when you're done with them!


The Taverns

There are tree different tavern areas in the school for the adults to enjoy, where you can drink, gamble, play chess, darts. snooker and cards, and watch stunning performances.

The nature of the performances is what largely determines who visits each tavern. The Liquid Gold typically features the school's bards and dancers performing all things upbeat and merry. Any song that tells a story will end in triumph, and it intends to create a joyous, light-hearted atmosphere for your stay.

“The Woozy Veil” is essentially an art-house version of The Liquid Gold. They don't play popular and merry songs here. Instead, you're more likely to witness abstract free-form improvisations, accompanied by interpretive dance, or poetry and songs with strong political and philosophical themes. The liquid gold often sells cider, rum and Whisky. The Woozy veil typically sells expensive wine to rich people.

The third and final tavern is “The Demon's Den,” where the air is heavy with cigar smoke and the alcohol ranges from practically pure ethanol in a bottle, to knock-offs of the wine sold at The Woozy Veil.

The performances are all erotically charged, usually involving a long phallic pole, clothes being taken off one at a time, and lots of grinding. Of all three taverns, drunken fights most often breakout here.

The Colosseum

The school coliseum is a gargantuan arena, able to seat 50,000 people in its audience. Many school events and sports will take place here, as well as practical lessons involving combat with creatures or particularly destructive students.

It's almost always in use for Iechi's official business, so keep casual sparing to the Flat-front, though its usually safe to take a seat in the audience, providing the combatants below aren't doing anything too explosive.

If the coliseum has not been booked, students may book it for use in a grudge match, or they can apply to fight the captured criminals due for execution on a particular date. If no-one applied for this, it'll often fall onto one of the staff, though their time is limited and they make much less of a show of it.

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